Industrial Inspection and Testing

Advanced NDT And NDE

Advanced NDT And NDE

Advanced NDT and NDE (non destructive testing and engineering) provides faster results, improves accuracy, and saves you money. Acuren’s advanced NDT services use innovative technology to inspect and analyze anomalies in your equipment with fewer disruption to operations. These specialized applications speed up the inspection process and can often provide accurate results without interrupting your workflow. Our advanced NDT services help you reduce overall costs of inspection, decrease maintenance costs, and ensure reliable operating processes. We provide a full spectrum of in-lab and callout advanced NDT / NDE services.


Our Programs

Our programs meet or exceed the recommendations of SNT-TC-1A and in most cases also meet the requirements of CP-189. In addition to Acuren’s internal program, many of our Advanced NDE personnel also hold ISO-9712 and EN473 qualifications in advanced methods such as TOFD, Phased Array, and ACFM. Many technicians also hold client and industry Performance Demonstration Qualifications such as QUTE, QUPE, EPRI, Shell, Suncor, and Chevron.